Welcome to Tyréns GeoBIM Portal!

GeoBIM - The modern BIM-tool for underground construction

GeoBIM is used to collect, analyze and publish all information related to geotechnics, geohydrology, environmental geotechnics, rock technology and geophysics.

What do we mean by GeoBIM and why?

GeoBIM helps you collect, structure and store geotechnical related data in a common database for your project or organization. The information is made available through an intuitive web map and can be downloaded to different formats depending on how and in what program you want to use the information.

By ensuring access to current and quality-proof data, you can, among other things, enable calculation, geo-modeling, design and visualization to be performed efficiently and with the best possible data. This saves money in your project by reducing the risk of costly errors during the construction phase.

GeoBIM is the prerequisite for a comprehensive geomodel where you can analyze geotechnical engineering, rock technology, environmental geotechnics, geophysics and geohydrology in one and the same model and take full advantage of your collected data!

Tyréns offers GeoBIM as a rental service in the cloud from 300  / month.

The GeoBIM Portal contains lots of features!

Click the button to the right and check all the features available in the GeoBIM Portal!

Watch a video that describes the GeoBIM concept!

On this page you can watch a Youtube video that explains the entire GeoBIM concept as well as watch images in our image gallery.

Watch the video!

Sign up for free!

Sign up for a free test account! You will then have access to a test account to test our demo project that includes a webmap, a viewer and a 3D-model, etc.
